Friday, March 12, 2010

I have been told that the title of my blog is false advertising and that my blog posts do not match match up to my blog title. The same people who told me that have also sent me links to other websites bearing examples of what a proper pukesome mummy blog should be like.

So, for the faithful two readers of this blog, I will try to meet your expectations.

Here goes, a videoclip of the Babycrat. He moves! He hiccups! He yawns!

My little genius.


Anonymous said...

and he could do ALL of that at just two months old??!! woman, have you called the mensa people? have you submitted this to the guinness book of records? you're killing his potential!!! *indignant sigh*


peanut butter wolf said...

Do not accuse me of being negligent. I have already enquired about enrolling him into university at the age of 5.

suanc said...

oh, he is so cute!! its like he's on an imaginery roller coaster that isnt moving, so he moves about, and yawns cos he's getting bored of trying to make it move.