Thursday, February 25, 2010

I swore I would never start a Mummy blog, never, never, over my dead body never. Specifically because Mummy blogs make me feel very ill.

But my friends talked me into starting one for the Babycrat. They have promised not to laugh at me in my face (and to only snigger at me behind my back).

So I started one. This could be the start of a slippery slope. First, a Mummy blog. What next? Scrapbooking?

Nonetheless, I have set some ground rules for this blog to prevent it from turning into a nausea-inducing affair:

1. I will not post photos of the baby sitting on the potty.

2. I will not refer to the Babycrat "my darling prince".

3. I will not refer to the Resident Bureaucrat as "Daddy" and myself as "Mummy". Eg. "Daddy and Mummy taught our darling prince how to sit on the potty today!"

4. I will not write from the baby's viewpoint. Eg. "Look at me sitting on the potty! Aren't I cute??"

5. I will not make a fuss just because the baby can poop/burp/say "ah goo". All babies do those things, and I acknowledge that my baby's ability to do all those is not a reflection of my parenting, or an extension of my self-perceived superior genes.

6. This is not related to the blog, but the baby's not getting a facebook or twitter account until he's old enough to start one himself.

7. More rules will be added as and when necessary.

I'm not sure what I'm going to write in this Mummy blog after taking into account my own rules. But to mark my inaugural post (and my descent down the slippery slope), here's a nude photo of The Babycrat.

1 comment:

Zann said...

pushing you down the slippery slope. here's a digital scrapbooking site that's free:

you know you wanna click on the link. do it!
